Author Archives: Adriano Araujo

Coincidence or a sign – I see numbers 727, 737, 747, 757

A couple years ago I started seen a deja vu pattern on my cell phone. I would open the phone and would see a 7:17 am or pm or 7:27, 7:37, 7:47 and 7:57. I always though that was either a coincidence or a sign I’m not very superstitious or religious but hey if Lord can give me a sign. IN my rich imagination I tough it was that I had to get back to aviation, a former Varig and American Airlines GSA, I always loved the trend.

Today it happened 3 times I got worken up and it was 7:37 am about one hour earlier than I needed and then at 757. So tonight I was looking at my e-mail and it 7:27 pm on the top of the phone screen.

So I searched online and found the angel numbers 727, 737, 747 & 757 and the funny thing is I don’t remember seen 7:17 on my phone.

I searched on google and this is what I found (coincidence or a sign I keep getting times on my watch that are airplane versions 727 737 747 757)

A really interesting article

U.S. finally lifts its travel ban during the pandemic

As a first generation of US citizens of my family that means if some of our family wants to to visit us had to quarantine for 14 days somewhere the U.S. has stamped as safe.

Today that has changed, I am relieved for the many families that have not been able to see each others, but also for the many families that live off the Tourism and service industries. I’ve seen so many to lose their jobs and sometimes retire because of it.

This is a delicate subject for me, my family had a “Theme park/Social Club” on the mothers side and a travel agency on my fathers side, the economy downfalls were always the tuff times, but never seen like this, if the economy is not doing well you cut travel, entertainment, in this case it was not cut it was a shutdown.

I hope this is the signal of things to come to a full recover of this industry, I know changes will come and i hope for the best.

Checkout the news on NPR.

Fotos do 34º Salão Anual de Colecionáveis aéreos de Atlanta

Dia 2 de outubro eu fui trabalhar de voluntário no evento e pude tirar algumas fotos para ilustrar essa matéria. O evento que ocorreu no Museu de voo da Delta trouxe lembranças de minha época na aviação e de filho de dono de agência.

Tivemos um papo interessante com a comissária de bordo do poster
Momento emocionante, foram muitos voos nesse avião

Veja mais todas as fotos em nossa página no Facebook.

Conheça melhor o museu através do nosso canal, – Playlist sobre o museu

34º Salão Anual de Colecionáveis aéreos de Atlanta

A 34ª edição do evento anual ocorre neste fim de semana no museu e contará com mais de 50 fornecedores relacionados à aviação apresentando itens, que podem incluir modelos, literatura, acessórios, peças de aviões e muito mais.

O evento começa das 9h às 16h, a entrada geral é de 7 dólares e é gratuita para menores de 12 anos, o café da manhã e o almoço estarão disponíveis para compra e toda a arrecadação será revertida para o museu.

Máscaras e identificação com foto são obrigatórias. Clique em aqui para obter mais informações.

Veja os vídeos do museu em nosso canal @ / a>.

34th Annual Atlanta Airline Collectibles Show

The 34th edition of the yearly event is occurring this weekend at the museum and will feature 50 + aviation-related vendors featuring items, which can include models, literature, accessories, plane parts, and a lot more.

The event starts at 9 am until 4 pm, the general admission is 7 dollars and is free for children under 12, breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase, and all proceeds will go towards the museum.

Masks are required and Photo ID. Click here for more information.

See videos of the museum on our channel @

Clube Jao – O sonho de um visionario – EP 57

Acompanhe esse episódio do nosso canal com a visita ao clube Jaó.

Um clube complete com piscinas, parque aquáticom quadras de esporte e muito mais. Fundado em 1962 e Inaugurado em 1967 O Clube Jaó foi um sonho, idealizado e executado pelo Dr. Ubirajara Berocan Leite. E depois de muitas obras nos presenteou com esse Paraiso tropical dentro de Goiânia

Million MIler Club:

Conheça melhor o Million Miler Club

Com a pandemia, nosso canal teve que interromper viagens e, consequentemente, a produção de novos vídeos. Em novembro, publicaremos matérias inéditas. Enquanto isso, vamos reprisar algumas ja existentes.

Para começar, acompanhe nossa visita ao Museu de Aviação da Delta, em Atlanta-Georgia. A Delta, que tem seu quartel general na cidade, tem amostra de várias peças, entre elas: roupas, aviões, literatura e muito mais.

April Surplus Sales @ Delta Flight Museum

This April 9th from 9am until 1pm, Delta flight Museum will host its monthly Surplus Sale where the company sales any item that has not been selected by the company archives to be used in the museum. The event will have for sale MD-90 seats, Metal Carrier Boxes, books, and much more. Remember they do no offer storage for the purchased items nor shipment, you buy it you haul it.

Watch our video about the surplus sale @ Youtube:

Museum Website: